
Mar 30
30 Mar 09:00 - 3 Apr 02:00
Location: Leuven

Monday after our Prom night, VTK holds his annual cantusweek. Ticketsale will take place Tuesday 24th of march at 12h30 at the Theokot. Tickets will be at the normal rate of 10/14 euros (member/non-member), except the one on monday morning, which will be 8 euro. If you come dressed up in theme you get one euro reimbursement. Cantus heroes who want to come the entire week, can buy a combi-ticket for only 42 euro! Without further ado, here is our R-cantusweek:

Monday 30/03 9u00 - Retrocantus @ ‘t ElixIr - 8 euro

This week starts mondaymorning with a retrocantus at 't ElixIr with some delicious cava and breakfast.

Maandag 30/03 21u00 - Ridder-&Ruiterscantus @ Waaiberg - 10/14 euro

The same evening we got a Chivalry-cantus (it starts with an R in dutch, so still in theme) for you guys, at the Waaiberg, this time we drink a special beer.

Dinsdag 31/03 20u00 - Regenboogcantus @ Zamo - 10/14 euro

Tuesday we go to another place, called Zamo (backroom of docsbar), where a rainbowcantus will take place. Here we get to drink our beloved Stella once again, Yay!

Woensdag 01/04 20u00 - Russische cantus @ Waaiberg - 10/14 euro

Our russiancantus cannot be without wodka, so we make sure we got enough of it for you.

Donderdag 02/04 20u00 - Rock ‘n Roll cantus @ Albatros - 10/14 euro

The last one of the week will be in the Albatros and will be held in english, but with all the usual songs of a normal dutch-spoken cantus. Also here we will be singing with a nice Stella.