Solar Impulse Conference

Nov 4
19:30 - 22:00
Location: Aula Michotte (PSI 91.93)

Are you a student from a Belgian University?

Then join the exclusive Solar Impulse Conference organised by Euroavia, VTK and Altran.

Register Online Here

After 12 years of research, tests and development, the Solar Impulse aims to achieve the First Round-The-World Solar Flight in 2015. No fuel, but only solar energy and technologies, to prove that pioneering spirit and innovation can really change the world.

Altran joined this challenge as a technological partner in 2003. Christophe Beesau, an Innovation Makers will tell you all about his work in this incredible technological adventure.

This conference will be followed by a networking cocktail in the entrance hall of the auditorium.

Find out more about the Solar Impulse on the website